Monday, 16 May 2011

Thank you

thank you thank you :) all of you lovely bloggers are so wonderful and supportive. Lets pretend yesterday didn't happen though. It was awful and I just need to forget it so!

happy butternuts

believe it or not I did not create this! it did however smack a smile on my own face! while shopping today I discovered this in the fruit and veg aisle which perked me up. I was then even more delighted when I got a butternut squash for 28p which is amazing. Upon checking my receipt it turns out I had by accident beeped it through self service as broccoli. Oopsy! 

Spin today was good, I had a great run while watching house ;) and the pool was not freezing!

This weeks plans

Doctors appointment
Meeting mother on Wednesday
Coffee date with a friend
Hopefully seeing my sister


  1. Be good to you my darling xxxx

  2. Aw, hun. Yesterday was yesterday and thank goodles for Mama.

  3. I'm so sorry I missed the last post but hopefully you are feeling better after your rest day. You deserve every supportive comment you got though, and please take them to heart.

    That's a great deal on the squash! I wouldn't have been able to stop myself from buying a dozen of them: been loving them in smoothies recently.

    Great to hear you've been smiling again :)


  4. Ahh, I love those happy little grocery accidentals.
