Saturday 2 October 2010


Zoopy zoop

The weather is terrible and its approaching the end of the year so my body whimpered for homemade blended delights. Soup! 

Enter my first ever recipe post! Nothing extravagant just a simple delicious autumn dish :)


1 Small onion
4  Large Carrots
1 Sweet potato
20g Red split lentils
Sprinkle of ground mixed spice
1 tsp of Vegetable stock
1 cal sunflower oil


Chop up your veggies! 
Rinse the lentils 
Fry onion in the pan using spray oil
Chuck in your veggies and lentils 
Pour enough hot water in the pan to just cover the vegetables
Add your stock & spices
Simmer for 30 minutes or until carrots are soft

Allow to cool before sticking the hand blender in (soup is hot after being on a hob) whizz it up to desired consistency.


Simple Soup

I hope you're all having a great weekend. Its pretty rainy here. Boo :(
I am seeing my lovely sister tomorrow which I am really looking forward to!

1 comment:

  1. I hope you did have a wonderful time with your sister, and were able to overcome your fears about missing gym time.

    If there's one thing I have come to realise recently, it's how relationships with the people we love, family and/or friends, are more important than any form of exercise or any scale number.


